Check yourself before you wreck yourself: How this month's check-in snatched my edges

A while back I shared how I create annual goals that guide me throughout the year.

Going into each year,

  • I choose 3-5 themes,

  • then set goals, and

  • finally create objectives to achieve the results I want.

As I start each week, those areas are the foundation for my priorities and schedule. They’re literally at the top of my weekly to-do lists reminding me where to focus.

I process the world through systems so this approach helps me make progress, stay focused, assess tradeoffs, and keep track of life as things become more complex.

Granted, my program/project management background also makes me a bit extra with it. But hey, it works for me and my Google Drive. Don't judge us!

I just completed my monthly check-in (with myself) and I'm on-track for 5 of 7 objectives, even far ahead on a few. Not too bad, right? Not quite.

When I stepped back, a concerning trend emerged: The off-track objectives that I deprioritized - tbh, neglected - so far this year were the areas for MY benefit.

They weren't for loved ones or a broader mission. They were specifically to be my healthiest, happiest, hyphyest self. Where was the me for me?? Insert Maya from Girlfriends, "Oh HELLLL no!"

Side note: Notice how the numbers only gave part of the picture? Reflection revealed the fuller story. We see this a lot in business and life. But that's a post for another day!

Anyhoo, I usually wrap each check-in with a short summary or takeaway. This one was simple: "Sis, check yo'self before you wreck yo'self".

In other words, I'm locking back in on me. Saving more in the tank for myself as I chase other goals and build memories that matter.

I encourage you to check in with yourself too. Even if goal setting isn't your thing, check (in with) yourself before you wreck yourself.

It's a long road ahead. A well, whole YOU should also be the goal.


Finding Her Why: Part 4


Finding Her Why: Part 3