Introducing: Finding Her Why

As we entered 2024, I faced a tough decision as a business owner and creative. I had insights and information I wanted to share from my work as a coach but was feeling burned out by social media. I didn’t want to create short-form content or listacles anymore. I wanted to do something that felt more fun and natural to me. I wanted to write.

So for the past few months, I’ve been working with my business partner and longtime friend Corinne Prudhomme on a fictional short story. The story is called Finding Her Why and follows the life and career of Flo, a Black woman climbing the corporate ladder who needs a little help on her way to the top. Flo’s story is inspired by my own experiences, plus themes from close friends and women I coach. 

When Flo finally decides that “enough is enough” at work, she enlists a career coach to help her plan a way forward. We follow her journey to gain clarity on what’s next, create a game plan, and implement it with the help of her coach and well-meaning but imperfect friends and family. 

While some of Flo’s story might feel familiar, the character is not based on any one person. She is none of us in particular but, also, all of us. I believe her experiences will resonate with you. And if Flo’s journey touches on something you’re dealing with now, then I hope you’ll use this as an opportunity to consult the resources shared in the story and related posts.

I am releasing the story in parts and would love to hear what you think. You can share comments on the blog or social media to start. If there’s enough interest, I might also host a live discussion. Let me know if that sounds like something you’d like to try.

So sit back, enjoy the story, and root for our girl Flo! You can check out Part 1 now.


Finding Her Why: Part 1


Is it me season? I sure hope so.